Bali Jet Set Petz Sterilization and Vaccination program distributes vouchers to local poor and those caring fo beach / street cats and dogs for complete vaccines and sterilization. This voucher program is open to low-income Tanjung Benoa residents, only, who are unable to pay for veterinary care for their dogs or cats. We also catch, sterilize and vaccinate many of the beach and stray dogs in the area.
We believe that education, sterilization and vaccination along with the promotion of responsible pet ownership is the only way to improve the health and lives of animals in the area and also to address the rabies virus. Many poor people in the area, whilst they love their dogs and cats, simply do not have the means to sterilise and vaccinate them as these costs can represent up to 30% of one month's salary.
On average every we treat around 15-20 animals each month.
Since the program's inception in 2011, we have sterlized, vaccinated and assisted over 5,000 animals. Our program is small but focussed on making a specific area better and also setting an example for the rest of the island in hopes that others follow and implement similar programs.
If you would like to sponsor a sterilization and vaccination certificate the cost is USD100 and it can be purchased via Papyal to, please mark "For JSP Sterile" or for further details please email us at